Bass Guitar Lessons in Larbert, Alloa and Stirling.

Bass Guitar Lessons

Learn bass guitar with our qualified instructors throughout Falkirk and Stirling areas.

Lessons will be tailored to you. We can teach you everything you need to know to play as part of a band or for fun.

We have bass lessons available online, in our studio in Larbert, Stirling or Alloa.

Working with any tutor through Blackwood Music Academy will also give you access to performing opportunities at our regular concerts, competitions and we often play in our local care home Carrondale Care Home. We hold weekly rock and pop band classes for adults and kids where you can learn the art of playing as part of a band. No need to receive lessons through our tutors to join our weekly bands. 

On the bass guitar there are so many things to learn. We can teach you all or some of the following as you request. Notation reading, tab reading, chordal playing, walking bass, jazz bass, slap bass etc etc!!!!!!!

If playing for fun is your goal then that’s fine or we can help you work through the grades with Rock School or Trinity.

Want to play with other musicians? No problem. We have opportunities for adults and kids.